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Departmental Page

General Botany

Tom Volk's Fungi

Mail to - Michael Clayton

Photographer/Collection Manager

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These materials were developed for use in the courses taught through the botany department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. They may be freely used by educators in the context of their classrooms.This means that they may be incorporated into lecture presentations, printed supplemental materials, and used in the teaching laboratory as a visual reference. They may not be distributed on the world wide web, or in published works, without permission. Any request for these uses should be made through Michael Clayton the collection manager.


General Botany Collection: These images and movies are mostly created by Michael Clayton. The one major exception are the electron micrographs that were the work of Dr. Eldon Newcomb, emeritis professor in our department.

Trees of Wisconsin: These images were created by Michael Clayton and by undergraduates who took the dendrology course through our department.

Tom Volk's Fungi: These are from Dr. Thomas Volk's personal collection of slides. Tom is a professor at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.

Virginia Kline's Collection of the Vegetation of Wisconsin is from the personal slide collection of the late Dr. Virginia Kline. Dr. Kline co-taught The Vegetation of Wisconsin with the late Professor Grant Cottam for many years, and worked as a scientist at the University of Wisconsin Arboretum. Dr. Kline's family kindly donated her slides to our department.

Plant Diversity: This collection represents the combined teaching collection of several prominant botanists, and represents a collaborative effort between our department and Dr. Dennis Woodland, professor at Andrews University. It is a subset of the Photo Altlas of Vascular Plant Collection included with Dr. Woodland's book Contemporary Plant Systematics published by Andrews University Press. The owner/photographer of each image is recorded by their initials in the file name. These contributors are listed below:

 Name  initials
 Emily Y. Butler  EYB
 Michael Clayton  MC
 Theodore Cochrane  TC
 Felicity Cutten  FC
 Phillip H. Johnson  PJ
 Robert R. Kowal  RK
 Frank Landis  FL
 Elizabeth Parnis  EP
 Galen Smith  GS
 Kenneth Sytsma  KS
 Ronald Toth  RT
 Dennis W. Woodland  DW

Many images were contributed jointly by Dr. Cutten and Dennis Woodland and these file names contain both of their initials 'DW FC.'

All images reamain the property of the original contributor..