Botany 130

Laboratory Information


Laboratory Coordinator:

Dr. Ratterman (Dr. R), Room 120 Birge Hall, email

Lab Manual:

Laboratory Topics for General Botany

Lab Lessons by Topic

Anatomy Lessons

 Link to Picture Glossary  Link to Anatomy Lectures
 Cells and Tissues  Secondary Growth
 The Root  Sample Quiz
 The Shoot  

Non-Plant Diversity Review Lessons

Plant Diversity Review Lessons

  • Liverworts
  • Hornworts
  • Mosses
  • Lycophytes
  • Ferns and Their Relatives
  • Link to our entire directory of laboratory-related images

    Laboratory Schedule Go to week


    Week 1, Sept. 3 -7

    Lab 1

    No Lab Due to Labor Day
    Lab 2

    Topic 1: Plant Structure and Use of a Dichotomous Key

    In Discussion: Outside to practice tree identification.

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 1; Introduction to the Plant Body

    Download a "pdf" copy of Keys to Common Trees

    Week 2, Sept. 10- 14

    Lab 1 Topic 2: Woody Plants on Campus
    Lab 2

    Topic 3: Intro. to the Microscope

    Topic 4 Diversity Exploratory

    In Discussion: Review

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 2: Trees on Campus

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 3: The Microscope

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 4: diversity Exploratory

    In Discussion: Review

    Week 3, Sept. 17 - 21

    Lab 1

    Topic 5: Identifying Organic Compounds
    Lab 2

    Topic 6: The Plant Cell

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 5, Identifying Organic Compounds

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 6, The Plant Cell

    In Discussion: Quiz 1 covering Topics 1,2, 3 & 5.

    Go To the Top

    Week 4, Sept. 24 - 28

    Lab 1

    Topic 6: The Plant Cell cont.
    Lab 2

    Topic 7: Diffusion

    In Discussion: Review - Analyze Osmosis Data

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 7: Diffusion

    Week 5, Oct. 1 - 5

    Lab 1

    Topic 8: Respiration
    Lab 2

    Topic 9: Photosynthesis

    In Discussion: Review Photosynthesis and Respiration

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 8: Respiration 

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 9: Photosynthesis

    Go To the Top

    Week 6, October 8 - 12

    Lab 1

    Topic 10: Mitosis
    Lab 2

    Topic 11: Meiosis and Tetrad Analysis

    In Discussion: Quiz 2 over Topics 6 - 9

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic10: Mitosis & Cytokinesis

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 11: Meiosis

    Week 7, October 15 - 19

    Lab 1

    Topics 12: Genetics
    Lab 2

    Topics 13: Cells and Tissues of the Plant Body

    In Discussion: Continue with genetics in room 113

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 12: Genetics

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 13: Cells and Tissues of the Plant Body

    Download a "pdf" copy of Genetics Mapping - Extra Credit

     Go To the Top

    Week 8, October 22 - 26

    Lab 1

    Topic 14: Anatomy of the Root
    Lab 2

    Topic 15: Anatomy of the Shoot

    In Discussion:Quiz 3 over Topics 10 & 11.

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 14: The Root

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 15: The Shoot

    Week 9, October 29 - November 2

    Lab 1

    Topic 15: Anatomy of the Shoot cont.
    Lab 2
    Topic 16: Secondary Growth

    In Discussion: Sample Quiz on Plant Structure

    Download Topic 16: Secondary Growth. 

    Week 10, November 5 - 9

    Lab 1
    Topic 17: Cyanobacteria
    Topic 18: Introduction to the Eukarya
    Lab 2

    Topic 19: The Fungi

    In Discussion: Anatomy Quiz covering topic13 -16

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic Topic 17: Cyanobacteria

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic Topic 18: Introduction to the Eukaryas

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 19 Fungi

    Go To the Top

    Week 11, November 12 - 16

    Lab 1

    Topic 20: The Stamenopiles

    Topic 21: The Green Algae

    Sample Quiz on non-plant botanical diversity
    Lab 2

    Topic 21: The Green Algae

    Topic 22: Introduction to the Plants - Bryophtyes

    In Discussion: Presentations

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic Topic 20: The Stamenopiles

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 21: Green Algae

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 22: Non Vascular Plants: The Bryophytes

    Go To the Top

    Week 12, November 19 - 23

    Lab 1

    Topic 22: Introduction to the Plants - Bryophtyes

    Topic 23: Lycophytes
    Lab 2

    Thanksgiving Break

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 23: Lycophytes


    Week 13, November 26-30

    Lab 1

    Topic 24: Monilophytes (Ferns, Equisetum, Psilotum)
    Lab 2

    Topic 25: Gymnosperms

    Discussion: Quiz 5 (Topics17-21)

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 24: Monilophytes

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 25: Gymnosperms

    Go To the Top

    Week 14, December 3-7

    Lab 1

    Topic 26: Angiosperms
    Lab 2

    Topic 26: Angiosperms II

    In Discussion: Review of Plant diversity

    Download a "pdf" copy of Topic 26: Angiosperms

    Week 15, December 10 - 12

    Lab 1

    Final Quiz over Topics 22 - 26
    Lab 2

    No Lab

    In Discussion: No discussion

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